Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ambition? Oh, I know that slave driver............

I know ambition alright. 

She calls my name. She tells me I'm not enough yet. Maybe I will never be enough.
She blurs my perspective so that I can't see the goodness right in front of me.
She tells me that I must try harder, work longer, stop slacking off, do better and go farther than
I am right now.

But then these words--

1 Thessalonians 4:11 NIV
"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you..........."

I don't know this ambition.
It sounds so much more like my Savior.
The One who calls me to smallness, stillness to peace and life.
The One who whispers, "You are enough in me because I am enough in you."
The One who stops me from striving, who gives me permission to slow down, who tells me my worth is already won forever.
Yes, this is the ambition I want to live with, to live for.
A quiet life...especially on the inside.
Where all the demands and lies have been silenced.

And all that's left is ambitious, outrageous, scandalous
Love calling my name.

Thank you, Lord!!