Thursday, April 26, 2012


Main Entry: boast
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: brag
Synonyms: advertise, aggrandize, attract attention, blow, blow one's own horn, blow smoke, bluster, bully, cock-a-doodle-doo, con, congratulate oneself, crow, exaggerate, exult, fake, flatter oneself, flaunt, flourish, gasconade, give a good account of oneself, gloat , glory, grandstand, hug oneself, jive, lay on thick, prate, preen, psych, puff, shoot*, shovel, show off, showboat, shuck, sling, sound off, strut, swagger, talk big, triumph, vapor

Oh they don't think of themselves in those terms at all... so 'praise the Lord" and "halleluiah"... but they are...
Opaque... no, transparent and sadly deluded. They slither among us with pseudo-intellectual savvy born of fractured self-imaging.

They try to make the populace believe it's all about YOU but in fact it is all about ME (themselves) and nothing is bigger than that.

These sad creatures usually spring forth from hapless beginnings and years of lack.  When they find themselves comfortable on the backs of someone's else's labors the insidious posturing begins.

"oh, look--- I've made it!!"  "oh, poor everyone else---you haven't"  You can pick them out in a crowd... 'should-ing' all over themselves.  And sometimes when you least expect it that spotlight shines on someone you once appreciated. 
When you find yourself in the company of should-ers... just quietly walk away.  Smile, count your blessings and walk away.  

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